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Hey there! thanks for droping by.


You are probably guessing "oh no! Not another Audio services website!" (Cue groan) and you are indeed correct, however our only goal is to help other:


  • Musicians

  • Studio owners

  • Reccording enuthsiasts


Or just people whose who are intersted in taking their music that extra bit further, to get the best they can out of their productions.  If thats means just meeting up for a coffee and chat, pick some brains and shoot out some ideas to help people to become inspired or get more hands on and stuck in with full on producing albums and singles then you've come to the right place.


We've been writng and producing music as a whole from 2006 to present day and from those early days of sitting in a bedroom with just a laptop and a pair of headphones we have moved on to work with alot of musicians and other engineers and gained alot more equipment, experience and knowledge that hopefully we can use to towards your projects.


We beleive in the Quality of our work and the respect and treatment of our customers and their respective projects however big or small they may be and if we cannot help you with a specific task then we can help to point to you in the right direction of those who can.

About US

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